Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, and Composting in Schools

Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, and Composting in Schools

Source: nerc.org

How to initiate these programs in your school:

  • Find a dedicated and motivated individual to initiate school recycling, with additional support people (“Recycling Team”) for sustaining and expanding the program.
  • Before targeting materials for diversion, evaluate the schools waste stream, existing waste reduction efforts, and the resources available, including staff and local recycling options
  • Consider partnerships with suppliers and local businesses to reduce costs through efficient transportation of recyclables
  • Work closely with the custodial and kitchen staff to address the types and volumes of waste, and to get their input and assistance
  • School and district administrative support.
  • Involve all potential stakeholders from the start, including them in the initial development and decision-making process. This will serve to increase participation, program efficiency, and success.
  • Consult with local haulers and local and regional solid waste staff before deciding on a program. Their expertise can help the program be cost effective, may provide creative hauling ideas, and the obtaining of recycling containers.

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