Florida recycling goal of 75% to be achieved by the year 2020

2013 Florida Statutes > Title XXIX > Chapter 403 > Section 7032
In 2008, the Florida Legislature enacted House Bill 7135 which created Section 403.7032, Florida Statutes. This established a new statewide recycling goal of 75% to be achieved by the year 2020. Also, the statute directed DEP to develop a program designed to achieve this goal and submit it to the Legislature for approval. DEP submitted its 75% Recycling Goal Report in January 2010.
403.7032 Recycling
(2) By the year 2020, the long-term goal for the recycling efforts of state and local governmental entities, private companies and organizations, and the general public is to recycle at least 75 percent of the municipal solid waste that would otherwise be disposed of in waste management facilities, landfills, or incineration facilities. However, any solid waste used for the production of renewable energy shall count toward the long-term recycling goal as set forth in this part.
(3) Each state agency, public institution of higher learning, community college, and state university, including all buildings that are occupied by municipal, county, or state employees and entities occupying buildings managed by the Department of Management Services, must, at a minimum, annually report all recycled materials to the county using the department’s designated reporting format. Private businesses, other than certified recovered materials dealers, that recycle paper, metals, glass, plastics, textiles, rubber materials, and mulch, are encouraged to report the amount of materials they recycle to the county annually beginning January 1, 2011, using the department’s designated reporting format. Using the information provided, the department shall recognize those private businesses that demonstrate outstanding recycling efforts. Notwithstanding any other provision of state or county law, private businesses, other than certified recovered materials dealers, shall not be required to report recycling rates. Cities with less than a population of 2,500 and per capita taxable value less than $48,000 and cities with a per capita taxable value less than $30,000 are exempt from the reporting requirement specified in this subsection.
(4) The Department of Environmental Protection shall develop a comprehensive recycling program that is designed to achieve the percentage under subsection (2) and submit the program to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 1, 2010. The program may not be implemented until approved by the Legislature. The program must be developed in coordination with input from state and local entities, private businesses, and the public. Under the program, recyclable materials shall include, but are not limited to, metals, paper, glass, plastic, textile, rubber materials, and mulch. Components of the program shall include, but are not limited to:
(a) Programs to identify environmentally preferable purchasing practices to encourage the purchase of recycled, durable, and less toxic goods. The Department of Management Services shall modify its procurement system to report on green and recycled products purchased through the system by September 30, 2011.
(b) Programs to educate students in grades K-12 in the benefits of, and proper techniques for, recycling.
(c) Programs for statewide recognition of successful recycling efforts by schools, businesses, public groups, and private citizens.
(d) Programs for municipalities and counties to develop and implement efficient recycling efforts to return valuable materials to productive use, conserve energy, and protect natural resources.
(e) Programs by which the department can provide technical assistance to municipalities and counties in support of their recycling efforts.
(f) Programs to educate and train the public in proper recycling efforts.
(g) Evaluation of how financial assistance can best be provided to municipalities and counties in support of their recycling efforts.
(h) Evaluation of why existing waste management and recycling programs in the state have not been better used.(5) The Department of Environmental Protection shall create the Recycling Business Assistance Center by December 1, 2010. In carrying out its duties under this subsection, the department shall consult with state agency personnel appointed to serve as economic development liaisons under s. 288.021 and seek technical assistance from Enterprise Florida, Inc., to ensure the Recycling Business Assistance Center is positioned to succeed. The purpose of the center shall be to serve as the mechanism for coordination among state agencies and the private sector in order to coordinate policy and overall strategic planning for developing new markets and expanding and enhancing existing markets for recyclable materials in this state, other states, and foreign countries. The duties of the center must include, at a minimum:
(a) Identifying and developing new markets and expanding and enhancing existing markets for recyclable materials.
(b) Pursuing expanded end uses for recycled materials.
(c) Targeting materials for concentrated market development efforts.
(d) Developing proposals for new incentives for market development, particularly focusing on targeted materials.
(e) Providing guidance on issues such as permitting, finance options for recycling market development, site location, research and development, grant program criteria for recycled materials markets, recycling markets education and information, and minimum content.
(f) Coordinating the efforts of various governmental entities having market development responsibilities in order to optimize supply and demand for recyclable materials.
(g) Evaluating source-reduced products as they relate to state procurement policy. The evaluation shall include, but is not limited to, the environmental and economic impact of source-reduced product purchases to the state. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “source-reduced” means any method, process, product, or technology that significantly or substantially reduces the volume or weight of a product while providing, at a minimum, equivalent or generally similar performance and service to and for the users of such materials.
(h) Providing evaluation of solid waste management grants, pursuant to s. 403.7095, to reduce the flow of solid waste to disposal facilities and encourage the sustainable recovery of materials from Florida’s waste stream.
(i) Providing below-market financing for companies that manufacture products from recycled materials or convert recyclable materials into raw materials for use in manufacturing pursuant to the Florida Recycling Loan Program as administered by the Florida First Capital Finance Corporation.
(j) Maintaining a continuously updated online directory listing the public and private entities that collect, transport, broker, process, or remanufacture recyclable materials in the state.
(k) Providing information on the availability and benefits of using recycled materials to private entities and industries in the state.
(l) Distributing any materials prepared in implementing this subsection to the public, private entities, industries, governmental entities, or other organizations upon request.
(m) Coordinating with the Department of Economic Opportunity and its partners to provide job placement and job training services to job seekers through the state’s workforce services programs.
History.—s. 95, ch. 2008-227; s. 3, ch. 2010-143; s. 31, ch. 2011-4; s. 293, ch. 2011-142; s. 1, ch. 2013-35.
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